Test: Who is the Kidnapper of the Child?

Regular exercise and problem solving can help your brain function at a more stable level throughout your life. Is there anyone who does not like puzzles? If you think you are a professional in solving puzzles, test yourself from time to time with such puzzles and see if it really is. What can you do to increase your intelligence and give an exercises to your brain? It’s simple. Always look for different puzzles to solve and give the necessary training to your brain and for developing your intelligence.

The ancient philosopher Socrates was a big fan of solving puzzles. He believed that by solving them, one can develop a critical thinking and come closer to solving some important issues for life.

As a kid, you used to love puzzles, but did that curiosity about new things linger in your life? Most of us still accept the challenge with enthusiasm.
If you want to have fun, we have prepared another puzzle for you. Your task is to find out who the kidnapper of the child is. This picture below will help you find the right answer. You need to analyze this picture well, observe all three pictures with great care, analyze all the details on it and try to find the right logical answer. Look carefully at the photo, think carefully and try to find out who the kidnapper of the small child is. Did you succeed?

There are small details in the pictures that will help you get the answer. Did you notice them? Did you manage to find out who the real kidnapper was? Think a little more. Analyze carefully. See all the details.

Take a look at what is in the pictures. A, B or C ?! Who is the real kidnapper? Maybe this situation is shown only as a picture and in this case is just a puzzle. But think, what if you find yourself in a situation like this in real life ?! Maybe this way of thinking will help you save a child’s life. Maybe he would be of great help to the police so that they could find the kidnapper. Think like a detective.

Who is the kidnapper of the child? The answer is that the kidnapper is the man in picture A. Why? Everything is in the details. Unlike the other two pictures, in the picture marked with A the kidnapper is the one holding the child’s hand, while in the other two pictures the child is the one holding the man’s hand.