The Dangerous Nasal Spray TikTok Trend

TickTock is a social network where the youngest are most active. How far are teenagers ready to go in order to follow all the trends offered by this social network?

The latest TickTock trend that actually threatens health has appeared on this social network. It is a nasal spray that supposedly helps you get a bronze complexion. Many of TickTock’s most popular influencers have shared their videos following this absurd trick with their followers. Experts have now spoken out against them, and TikTok has removed most of the videos.

These are young people who inhale nasal spray, and at the same time that they will get a bronze complexion, as if they spent 1 month on the beach sunbathing. Now how much your brain should not work to believe in this, is already debatable.

Why is it a problem to use these nasal sprays for that purpose?

Experts talk about the dangers and the fact that nasal spray is still a kind of drug that creates addiction in the user. That is why their application is limited in time. All medicines used must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. But if a drug is not approved, it must not be used. In the United States, nasal sprays, like all inhalants, are classified as drugs. So they have to go through the process of applying for a new drug so that they can be sold legally.

How do nasal sprays work?

Most nasal sprays contain dihydroxy methylchromonyl palmitate. This ingredient when applied to the skin can increase the production of melanin, and the higher the amount of melanin in your skin the darker your skin will get. This medicine is not intended for inhalation.

Would you use a nasal spray to get a bronze tan? Is this an absurdity or a good way for you to get a bronze complexion? Share your opinion with us in the comments.