The Tale of the Four Wives

Once upon a time there was a wealthy merchant with 4 wives. He loved all of his wives the best he could but his 4th wife was his favorite. He worshiped her the most, bought expensive dresses for her and took her to fancy diners. He always gave her the best and took the best of care for her.

His 3rd wife was loved as well, he was so proud of how beautiful she was and boasted to all of his friends with her. But seeing how beautiful she was, the rich man was always scared that she may run out on him and leave him for someone better.

The merchant loved his 2nd wife a lot as well, she was his most loyal confidant and the woman he turned to whenever he had problems. She was loyal, patient and considerate and she always helped him overcome his greatest challenges.

The merchant’s 1st wife was just as loyal, loving and dedicated as the other 3, but the merchant hardly ever noticed her. She was the one who took care of his household, helped him with his business and kept him in good health. She loved him deeply but the merchant didn’t respond in the same way.

The merchant suddenly fell ill and he just knew that he didn’t have much time left on this world. He started feeling lonely and realized that he still has his 4 wives, but not long after, he will be left all alone. He knew that he will have to face death alone.

He gathered his wives and started calling up on them, one by one. He turned to his favorite one, his 4th wife and told her that she’s always been treated the best, had all the best robes and ate and was showered with attention. He asked if she would like to repay him by following him and keeping him company in the afterlife. She said she would never even considerate it and walked away in a hurry. Now he turned to his second wife and told her that he’s loved her so much and has been so proud to have her by his side. He asked if she would like to follow him in to the afterlife and keep him company. She quickly responded she would never. She added that she loves her life here and after he’s gone she will remarry and continue living on this Earth. The merchant was even sadder by hearing her answer.

Now he looked up to his second wife, hoping she will grant him the answer he desired. She was after all, the one who was always by his side, who helped him out in his time of struggle. He turned to her and asked her the same. She shook his head, and even though she was saddened to see him go, she said that she couldn’t help him out this time. She said that she could only send him to his grave and mourn him afterwards, but she has to stay behind, it’s not her time yet. He did not expect this answer from his second wife and hearing it cut through his heart like a sharp knife.

Then out of the blue, the first wife cried out that she will go with him, she will follow him everywhere he goes. The merchant was surprised, after all, he hadn’t been treating her as kindly as he did the others. She was skinny and malnourished and seeing her like this broke his heart. He thought to himself he should have taken better care of his 1st wife while he could.

We all have 4 wives or 4 husbands, do you know what they represent.

The fourth wife is our body and we love it the most. We get up, wash our face, brush our teeth and dress up in the finest clothes. We bathe with the finest products, we eat the finest foods and treat it the best we can, just as the merchant did with his 4th wife. But when we die, our body cannot accompany us in the afterworld.

The third wife is our wealth, our possessions and our status. We’re so proud of everything we achieve and acquire in our life but when we die, it all goes to others.

The second wife is our family and all of our closest friends. They’re always there for us but when we pass away to the other side they can only send us off to our grave.

And the first wife? It’s our soul, the thing we neglect the most in our life, but the only thing that stays with us to help us pass onto the other side.