This Math Task has Driven Crazy People on Social Media. Can You Solve It? For a Bigger Challenge Solve Two Tricky Math Tasks!

When it comes to having fun, math may not be the first thing on your mind. But this mathematical equation will make you think, confuse you and probably make you laugh when you realize that you are wrong in solving it. It may upset you a little because it will be difficult for you to reach the correct solution. But one thing is for sure, it will be fun. You do not have to be a mathematical genius to solve this mathematical task. However, you need to follow clear rules for solving operations in mathematical equations where there are many different operations.

This math problem has caused many people on social media and many have come up with incorrect answers to the equation. Will you be able to solve it? The equation is as follows.

9 – 3 ÷ 1 / 3 + 1 = ?

At first glance it looks like a complicated mathematical equation. Let’s see what the procedure is for solving it. Let’s analyze this mathematical equation. At first glance, 1/3 we think is a fraction , but if you try to solve this mathematical equation on a calculator he will perceive 1/3 as division and the whole equation will get a different solution sequence as well as a different solution. This is where the first confusion arises between people on social networks in which they come to the wrong conclusion.

If you want to solve this equation using a calculator, you need to set the task correctly so that the calculator does not count the fraction as a division operation.

9 – 3 / ( 1 / 3 ) + 1

This way the calculator will calculate the equation correctly and you will get this solution:

9 – 9 + 1 = 1.

In this type of mathematical equations we have to follow the rule for following the operations PEMDAS or BODMAS which has clearly defined the sequence of operations Parentheses / Brackets, Exponents / Orders, Multiplication – Division and Addition – Subtraction counting from left to right. So in this equation because we have no parentheses / brackets, exponents / orders we start by solving Multiplication – Division:

3 ÷ = 3 x 3 = 9.

Then we have subtraction and addition, so since they have the same advantage for sequencing, we count them from left to right.

9 – 9 = 0

0 + 1 = 1.

Thus we come to the only correct solution of this equation and that is 1.
Did you manage to solve this mathematical equation in this way?

Let’s challenge yourself even deeper. If you were interested in the previous equation, here is another one that will make you challenge yourself and solve it correctly. Try to solve this tricky math problem as well.

8 – 2 ÷ + 1 = ?

Write us your answer in the comment as well as the procedure you used to come to the correct solution. We wish you luck and good fun.