What Kind of Mathematician are You? An Equation for Which Even The Calculator will not Help You.

Although rare, there are students and adults who love math. As in everything else, so in mathematics – a mathematician who works hard is always more successful than one who calls himself “naturally talented”. We have known since school days that a hard student has a higher grade on the math test. Most aspects of mathematics can only be learned and memorized through hard work, whether it is difficult, seemingly unsolvable arithmetic problems or computer ingenuity. And of course – in order to run a marathon, in addition to natural talent, a lot of effort is invested, but who says that not everyone can prepare enough to run to the finish line?

Look beyond numbers, formulas, theorems, ideas, proofs … you will need them further!

In math, any new information is useful, even though it may not seem so at the moment. Everything you have learned in math class has a real application in everyday life. Although it is difficult to understand, even though most of us have asked ourselves many times “Where will I use this in the future?” What will I ever need this theorem for in my life?”, we use mathematical principles outside the collection of tasks. What we learn in math classes and lectures, we use to solve real, everyday problems. It may seem absurd, but that does not mean that we solve problems by formula, but that our reasoning becomes more powerful. So after solving a task that you have been struggling with for days, do you feel that there is nothing you can not solve? The results are seen at the end.

Look for logic, do not remember!

Mathematics is not a long list of random formulas that someone has invented out of nowhere! Mathematics works as such because it is real, real – there is a reason for every step, every rule and every part of every formula. Do not remember in vain, but look for a reason why this is how it works to solve virtually every task of that type, where it comes from and what it means. It may sound more complicated than just remembering “by heart”, but once it is understood – it suddenly becomes clearer and easier.

The math is difficult. Anyone who disagrees – lies. But that does not make it impossible. If you want to be good at something, you have to stick to that idea, even when you are tired of numbers and theories, never give up! All the lost motivation returns after every success, even the smallest one. You will not achieve anything if you allow a small delay during the solution of the task to demotivate you. Just as athletes need to feel muscle soreness to make sure that the workout works, so do mathematicians improve their mental fitness.

A Quick Hint

Take a good look at the equation. Do not focus on the large number, try to see it as multiple small numbers gathered in one.