Why Kissing is so Important for a Relationship, Especially for Marriage?

Kissing is explained by psychology as oral contact with another human being, which is a private and intimate act between two partners. But did you know that kissing is very important in marriage? The biggest reason for this is that kissing is preceded or followed by intimacy. According to a study, men are more important to whom they kiss than to have sex with.

Kissing a loved one is a very deep, intimate and important act. Kissing also has a number of benefits that can affect the emotional, physical and spiritual. Many marriage counselors advise their clients who have a number of marital problems to kiss every day, if they have not already done so. When a person kisses another person, the body experiences various stimuli, the body secretes large amounts of oxytocin which is a hormone that helps in a better connection with the partner. Most couples kiss in the morning before going to work, but over time it becomes a pleasant habit.

Kissing partners have numerous benefits. Starting with the physical benefits, we will single out the following. The influx of blood that occurs during the kissing process can help treat facial blemishes and various types of dermatitis. The increase in heart rate that occurs during kissing is believed to be just as good as when you do physical exercises. When you kiss passionately, you activate as many as 29 facial muscles, which in turn helps reduce wrinkles. Compared to the fingertips, the lips are much more sensitive than them, so when you kiss you stimulate all the important nerves in the body. When you kiss, you exchange fluids with your partner, and that’s healthy because it helps build a strong immune system to fight disease and maintain good health.

Kissing makes a better connection with your partner. As mentioned above, it is good to make a habit of kissing with your partner every day. Before going to work, after you return from work, even spontaneously when you are together, can affect the straightening or rebuilding of the connection between you. The bond between the partners is strengthened and the emotional bond between the partners is strengthened. A kiss puts the brain in a state where partners can synchronize with each other, which means the relationship becomes much deeper. This is where the connection between the partners happens, and also the emotions are involved in that stimulation. As one of the particularly intimate and spiritual kiss, the passionate or so-called French kiss stands out. It will do much more for the relationship between the partners than a kiss on the cheek because it connects them on a higher level. Kissing definitely brings partners together and connects them on a spiritual level.

Kisses are believed to burn calories. Of course, not as much as you can burn calories by exercising in the gym, but it boosts your metabolism by running at least two bucks faster. Of course, this does not mean that you should neglect exercise, but still kiss your partner more often, you will certainly benefit from it all.