7 Enticing Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have become increasingly popular in recent years. The popularity of chia seeds is fully justified, given its high nutritional value. This seed can be used in the preparation of smoothies, confectionery, puddings, protein bars, etc. The seed This seed originates from South and Central America and is considered the food of the warriors of the Mayan tribes. For centuries, chia seeds have been used for their remarkable beneficial properties. It is said that women then used only one tablespoon of chia seeds for the whole day. Today its rich nutritional value has been rediscovered and its use is becoming more common. Chia seeds contain high levels of Omega 3 acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins that have beneficial properties for the whole organism.

Image Credits: itstartswithgoodfood.com
  • Better digestion

Chia seeds help improve digestion, and this is due to one component that is present in chia seeds in significant quantities and that is fiber. If you want to tell you exactly, in only 28g chia seeds contain as much as 11g of fiber. That’s almost half the average adult’s daily needs. Fiber helps maintain the health and peristalsis of the small intestine and colon, lowers bad cholesterol, provides a gradual release of glucose into the blood, nourishes the intestinal microflora. In terms of weight loss, fiber absorbs a lot of water while in the stomach, thus helping to maintain satiety for a long time. Chia is rich in protein, so it is associated with reduced levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is considered a hormone that stimulates hunger.


  • Balancing blood sugar

Nutritional fiber and low glycemic index of chia seeds help in this process of maintaining blood sugar balance. Also, chia seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid, which also helps lower blood sugar. According to some laboratory studies that have been performed on animals and humans, lead to similar results, and that is that the addition of chia seeds in white bread reduces the glycemic index of bread, and thus reduces the risk of high blood sugar.


  • Stabilizes and nourishes the skin

Chia seeds have a calming effect by stabilizing oily and inflamed skin. Chia seeds help infected skin, prevent scarring and reduce irritation and redness. This is especially helpful for people who are prone to acne on the skin. Also for people who have dry and cracked skin, whose seeds create protection and maintain the balance of hydration. Chia seeds contribute to the quality of the epidermis and relieve itching caused by dry skin. This is due to the antioxidants contained in chia seeds which act in a way that blocks the harmful effects of external factors. Chia seeds help regenerate skin cells. Vitamin E is responsible for preventing the formation of inflammatory processes. Vitamin E keeps skin supple, smooth and supple. Vitamin B3 as an anti-inflammatory helps reduce redness, while zinc helps reduce bacterial infections caused by acne. Zinc also helps regenerate skin tissue.


  • Source of quality protein

Chia seeds contain quality protein, and this is especially important for people who do not eat meat. Chia seeds contain about 15% protein and have a good balance of essential amino acids which are the building blocks for proteins that the body can not just synthesize.


  • Helps in dental health

In its composition, chia seeds are rich in micronutrients such as: calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus and zinc. Calcium is very important for the building component of teeth and is essential for maintaining overall oral health. Zinc is the one that can prevent tartar and has an antibacterial effect. Vitamin A and phosphorus contribute to strong teeth as well as a healthy oral cavity.


  • Healthy bones

Chia seeds contribute to bone health, help maintain their density and also reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. Chia seeds contain rich values of calcium and manganese, which are of great importance for bone health.


  • Contributes to a healthy heart

Chia seeds can contribute to better cardiovascular health, and this is due to the high percentage of antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats that it contains. Antioxidants reduce inflammation, and omega-3 acids can help lower LDL levels, also known as bad cholesterol. Omega 3 acids also affect the reduction of high blood pressure.