7 Signs that the Spirit of your Deceased Loved Ones is by your Side and wants to Tell you Something!

The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences we will ever face in life. We grow and live with the existence of people who are part of our life, but when they suddenly disappear you feel like a part of your life has been taken away. Losing a loved one is always hard and painless. Unfortunately, some of us never say goodbye to the dying person or let them know how much we loved them. Maybe some words remained unsaid .. some trips canceled ..some wishes unfulfilled .. Simple the loved one disappears. As part of the grief, many unresolved issues arise and we wish to speak to the dead at least once more. Perhaps these are the reasons why loved ones who die after their deaths return to visit their loved ones in some form. It is believed that after death, the dead one return in the form of a ghost to their loved ones. The existence of the human spirit after death is associated with religion. Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, sometimes there is no explanation for our experiences with the dead. You do not have to be a psychic medium to recognize or believe in them, you will simply be able to notice them if at least one of these signs appears to you.


  • Dreams

Dreams involving your loved ones are a completely natural thing, because you have too many memories with your loved ones. If you still remember the dream when you wake up, write it down in your diary or notebook. Maybe it is from the dream that you will be able to discover the message that your loved one is trying to convey to you. Details are important, so it is best to write down every detail of the dream immediately after waking up. According to experts and psychic media, after death communication with the deceased can be established as an experience outside the body, whether at that moment you are sleeping or just meditating. Usually the ghost in the dream appears as a symbol that lets you know that you need to do some unfinished work, so as the psychics say it is possible to experience a visit of a real ghost during the dream. This communication, as it is called, can look very vivid and real and can radiate light from your loved one. Sometimes this may seem like a lucid dream, but only if you are aware enough and can control the dream.


  • Unusual occurrences

Maybe something strange happened to you while you were just sitting at home ?! For example, suddenly something moves by itself when there is no person physically present next to it? This inexplicable movement can be explained as the presence of the ghost of a dead loved one in the home. If you put the object back in its place and move again without any touch from a physically present person, then you can be sure of the presence of the spirit of the loved one. Furthermore, unexplained things like ringing the phone, flickering the light, strange behavior of pets can be signs that a loved one is trying to contact you in various ways. They try to convey a message to you and let you know that they are present by trying to get your attention.


  • Hallucinations

Hallucinations can occur, and sometimes they can be really frightening and are often associated with mental illness. If you happen to see something that no one else can see, it may be the presence of a deceased loved one trying to get in touch with you. Fear is normal to be present at that moment, but try to close your eyes, calm down and remember what was seen at that moment. Try to remember the sounds, touches, smells and what reminds you of your deceased loved one? Then open your eyes and say his or her name out loud. Sometimes people claim to hear voices when no one is around. Again, this may be a sign. Try to understand if you recognize the voice?


  • Random thoughts

When your thoughts suddenly shift from a certain topic to your loved ones, as if they were not yours but as if someone else were speaking in your mind, it could be a sign that the deceased loved one is trying to communicate with you. Then stop, think and try to sort out your thoughts, so that you may be able to understand the message that the deceased loved one wants to send you. The fact that you think about your deceased loved one is very important. Accept those thoughts in a way that would embrace that person and allow yourself to relive the memories. It is very natural and normal to feel emotions together with thoughts.


  • Physical reminders

Maybe it happened to you that an object suddenly appeared in front of you? And in fact the same subject is related to the deceased loved one and reminds you of important moments you spent with the deceased? That particular subject that is of particular importance to you is likely to be treated by other people as pure coincidence. The fact that it happened to you and made you think of your deceased loved one means that that person is trying to communicate with you.


  • Coincidences

The feeling of fear is normal to appear in you when you face a sign that is sent by the spirit of the deceased person. The dead will continue to love you after death, so that instead of fear you can respond with love. Be open-minded and remember that it is the spirit of your loved one who has died, not of an enemy or a stranger. There is a great deal of skepticism even though some people claim to have communicated with the dead and made contact. There are psychological media that can help you make contact with a deceased loved one.

  • Sensations

Physical sensations such as tingling and shivering when no one around us can be a sign that our loved ones are trying to communicate with us. Or, we can smell a familiar scent that will remind us of them.