9 Army Hacks That are a Real Life-Saver

You know that the US army is an old institution but you probably didn’t know that it’s even older than our country? Its roots can be traced back to the Continental Army that was led by George Washington as one point in time. Well, it figures that such a prestigious institution would have some pretty handy tricks that could really make your life easier.

Here’s a list of the 9 best life-hacks we’ve compiled so far, but feel free to add some of your own in the comment section below.

1. Urinate in the shower

Some of you may think it’s gross to urinate in the shower, but it’s actually good for 2 reasons. First you’re saving water because you won’t have to flush afterwards and second it can cure and even prevent athlete’s foot.

2. Duct tape on the feet

Credits to: © pixabay.com

Why would one do such a thing you ask? Well, soldiers know that military shoes can sometimes be quite uncomfortable and cause blisters so they duct tape their feet to prevent it from happening. You can do the same, just apply it on the most affected spots and go about your day without worrying about blisters and hot spots.

3. Tying the know

Credits to: © pixabay.com

If you want to prevent your shoes from untying or moving out of place, tie a couple of knots along the lace. Tie one around the center, to prevent untying, and some closer to the ends to keep the bow from moving.

4. Maxi pad for first aid

Credits to: © totallyunprepared.com

Maxi pads are not just useful during a woman’s period, they can come in quite handy if someone is bleeding profusely. Place the pad across the wound and secure it in place with band aids or duct tape. It will prevent the person from bleeding out until help arrives.

5. Sugar against bacterial infections

Credits to: © todaysveterinarypractice.com

Sugar can help you prevent a bacterial infection in case of an injury. Just apply some plain sugar or sugar paste on the wound and cover it up until you get professional help. The sugar prevents the bacteria from multiplying.

6. Tights can keep you warm

Credits to: © mauro paillex / unsplash.com

You can wear tights under any kind of pants in the winter to keep you warm and no one will be the wiser.

7. Fitter shirts

Credits to: © Interior / twitter

If you’ve lost some weight or the shirt just isn’t the right size you can try the army’s way and make it fitter. Just use the fold-n-tuck technique from the picture and it should fit like a glove.

8. No fire starters? No problem!

Credits to: © ScriptThat / reddit© cougarbait0 / reddit

You’re about to have guests for barbecue but you’re all out of fire starters? Don’t worry, just dip a cotton ball in some Vaseline and throw it in the grill. It works even better than the fire starters.

9. Making the bed like a pro

Credits to: © Howcast / youtube

We all know that soldiers are the pros when it comes to the art of bedmaking and you can be too if you try their way. Fold the side of your sheet and tuck it in under the mattress. Now fold the footing part, keep the angle straight and tuck that it too. Looking neat and tidy!

