Solve This Test: In Which Direction is The Bus Moving?

Are you also a fan of creative games that stimulate your logical thinking? Such puzzles are interesting to solve. They are good for training the brain and to pass the time. Are you a person who has a good perception of details? Do you have a sharp eye? Show your ability to perceive details now. …

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An Intricate Riddle That Will Blow Your Mind Away

Brain teasers area always fun. They can challenge your critical thinking skills and are very helpful. While they might seem mind-blowing, riddles can actually help your brain develop. They are great for our brain health – you can keep your mind sharp by doing simple quizzes and challenging yourself with riddles often. Rarely anyone of …

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Can You Spot the Odd One in This Pictures?

Some puzzles are solved with the power of observation, others with mathematical skills. And many of them require us to put logical abilities into action. The brain makes up only 2% of a person’s body weight, but consumes 20% of the energy produced daily by the body. No wonder mental exercises are also called brain …

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Can You Find All T’s in This Picture?

We train our brain every day by solving various crossword, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, memory exercises etc. It is healthy for our brain, it is good to amortize it constantly, because otherwise it will stumble. Our brain constantly receives information of a different nature and the power to notice details come from it. We constantly challenge …

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From Nuts, Bolts, and Scrap Into Animal Sculptures

Waste is any substance or object that the creator or possessor discards, intends to discard or is required to discard. Simply put, waste is anything that is discarded, surplus or otherwise dumped into the environment and that may affect it. Just because we think something is waste does not mean that it magically disappears. It …

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Mosaic Floor Decorated with 7,500 Pennies

Technology is so advanced, we have so many new things at our disposal, from furniture, smart devices, etc., to constantly finding new ways to create something new and interesting. Many people love the retro style and turn their new modern things or old dilapidated ones into new ones using materials to improve them. Some people …

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