Keep your Mouth Healthy – by Using Baking Soda Only

The oral health is something we should all pay a great attention to. It’s not just to keep the teeth healthy and white, but to keep the total oral health in the perfect state. There are numerous chemical products, including toothpastes or mouth washes and tons of varieties of them, which are mainly used for keeping the mouth clean, but how trustful are they actually? Well, not quite really! Nothing good can come out of something made of chemicals.

But, no worries, we don’t recommend it to stop brushing your teeth. We will provide you with some simple tricks which will protect your total oral health despite the fact you’re using chemicals for the brushing. And what else if not baking soda. Also, known as sodium bicarbonate, it represents an inexpensive addition to most of the kitchen cupboards. However, despite its invaluable use in cleaning or cooking, it also represents a remedy for many common ailments.

Since it’s an all natural remedy, totally toxinless and at the same time it’s cheap at twice the price I definitely recommend it. It is not only beneficial and effectively treats the bacteria that dwell in the oral cavity, but it’s perfect in balancing the levels of acid in the body which can lead to a range of health problems and especially in the mouth.

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The Most Common Mouth Problems and their Treating Techniques

Baking soda is actually a great substitute for your toothpaste. Water your toothbrush and dip it in baking soda, this way you’ll get a toothpaste. Brush your teeth well, and then rinse the mouth thoroughly. For greater effectiveness you can even add several drops of peppermint or cinnamon essential oils. Their anti inflammatory properties are great for protecting and keeping your gums healthy. The gum disease, also known as gingivitis is usually characterized by bleeding, sore, swollen or infected gums, accompanied with a bad breath. And using a baking soda toothpaste every once in a while will help you cure this and prevent the formation of further gum diseases.

To increase the cleaning effect, you can also make another toothpaste using different ingredients including a pinch of cooking salt and some drops of vinegar. Teeth may become stained and discoloured due to a variety of reasons including the bad food, nicotine, drink and alcohol as the main causers. But with a continuous use of sodium bicarbonate for brushing your teeth will look whiter and feel healthier all over again.

Halitosis or bad breath can be an embarrassing problem for many people, and is caused due to the acidic food we consume, such as sugar and protein added foods, which can stick to the mouth, tongue or teeth. At the same time the mouth ulcers and sores in the mouth can be really hard to treat since they’re being constantly aggravated by food or drink. What you need to do, to get rid of the bad breath and cure the ulcers and sores in your mouth is to make a solution of baking soda and water. To get rid of the bad breath you can only dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. And for the treatment of ulcers and sores a stronger solution is required, meaning to dissolve one to two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water and use it to rinse the mouth.

Prevent your constant trips to the dentist and maintain your mouth freshness by using this simple cheap and effective product.Only, try to use it in moderation in order to avoid any unwanted side effects due to its abrasive properties.