Lesbian Couple Adopts 3 Brothers so they can Grow up Together

Adopting children is a difficult and arduous process that is a real challenge for many parents. The large number of questions that are asked, the bureaucracy itself and of course the small creature that should come into the home are just a small part of the problems faced by couples who want to adopt a child. On the other hand, children who are given up for adoption are the ones who face the biggest life changes that follow. Especially when it comes to siblings who are forced to grow up apart from each other.

To that end, a same-sex couple in Massachusetts adopted three brothers so that they could grow up together. Joey was 18 months old when the lesbian couple adopted him because they wanted to start a family. Shortly afterwards, they received a call from foster home that Joey’s youngest brother was also looking for a family to adopt. the baby was only 6 weeks old. The lesbian couple agreed and adopted him. Shortly afterwards, the lesbian couple received another call from foster home, this time for a sibling of the first two brothers – Logan, who was also wanted by a adoptive family. The lesbian couple had a humane goal, to reunite a family that was separated for some reason, so in order for the three brothers to grow up together, they also adopted Logan.

For this good work, the director of foster home and Veronica Listerud also gave them recognition and gave great respect for this work. Like everyone in the home, the principal believes that it is very important for the brothers to stay together, to maintain their relationship and to be able to grow up together in a family. This act is also very useful for the lesbian couple, because their desire to form a family will come true.

Adopting children is a difficult and arduous process that is a real challenge for many parents. The large number of questions that are asked, the bureaucracy itself and of course the small creature that should come into the home are just a small part of the problems faced by couples who want to adopt a child. There are many reasons why people decide to expand their family through adoption and similarly, there are many reasons why children can be adopted. Some adoptions are international, and some within the city or state. Sometimes it is about babies, and sometimes about older children. What you know about adopting an acquaintance is perhaps a completely different story from someone else. If you make assumptions about adopting someone based on what you know, your assumptions may be wrong, leading to inconvenience.

Adopted children are people who will grow up and have their own stories. Many of them have a complicated past or feel pain because of the loss they experienced when they were separated from their families. They have the right to choose whether to share the details or not. If the child wants to share the story with you, he or she will. Many children, at different times in their lives, wanted to share their stories with other people. It is best to treat it as if it is not your concern unless the child tells you the information voluntarily.

Even though they are not biological parents, those who decided to adopt a child and adopted are the parents of the child. At the end of the day, they are the ones who put the children to sleep, wipe their noses, kiss them where they were scratched. They are mothers and fathers, doing everything that mothers and fathers do and loving their children just as biological parents love their children.