Math Quiz: Are you Smarter Than a Fifth Grader

Mathematics as a science is your strong point? Was he the first of a generation in primary and secondary school? Have you participated in various math quizzes and competitions? If the answer is yes, then you probably think you are smarter than the average 5th grader. Well, if you think so, you need to answer all these questions correctly. Will you succeed? Let’s check.

A factory went on to produce 2,300 TV sets in its initial production year. Around 4,500 more sets were produced during the second year. The third-year saw 500 more sets being produced than what was produced during the second year. How many TV sets were produced in all?


What is the sum of the angles in each triangle?

90 degrees
180 degrees
360 degrees

How many minutes does a week have?


What is a constant in mathematics?

A size that does not change

A quantity that is constantly changing

None of the above


Bob and Tom have around 49 toys between them. If Bob were to have 5 more toys than Tom, what is the number of toys both have?

Tom: 22; Bob: 27
Tom: 21; Bob: 28
Tom: 23; Bob: 26

Which mathematical operation represents the fraction?


John manages to eat a whole quarter of pizza in a minute. So, how long would it take John to eat a whole pizza and then a half?

7 minutes
6 minutes
5 minutes


What is the only number with which it can not be divided?



What is the name of an angle that is less than 90 degrees?

Oblique angle
Sharp angle
Flat angle


John again eats a sixth of a pizza in around two minutes. But Billy takes 3 minutes to eat just a single quarter. Now, if Billy and John were to start eating a pizza each, who would finish first?

Same time
John first
Billy first

In the equation 2X = 8, what is X called?



5 – 4 + 6 – (-2) – 30 = ?


Linda purchased 3 notebooks at a price of $ 1.20 each. She also purchased a box of pencils for around $ 1.50 and a box of pens for $ 1.70. What was Linda’s total spending amount?

$ 7.00
$ 6.80
$ 6.90


0,260 – 0,52 = ?


What is the radius of a circle?

A segment whose endpoints lie on a circle

A segment whose endpoints lie on a circle and pass through its center

A segment that extends from its center to its edge


The Answers:

– 11,800

– 180 degrees

– 10,080

– A size that does not change

– Tom: 22; Bob: 27

– Division

– 6 minutes

– 0

– Oblique angle

– Same time

– Constant


  • -21

– $ 6.80-0,26

– A segment that extends from its center to its edge