Strong Woman – a Great Woman

Today’s women possess a treasury of practical knowledge and skills, with which they overcome daily responsibilities. However, they forget that in addition to knowledge and resourcefulness, they should regularly consume the life wisdom of their grandmothers, aunts, mothers and friends. They all marked their way of life as great, wise and strong women.

A woman’s greatness is not measured only by her social status, material goods or some dominant status traits. The greatness of a woman lies in the strength of the will to overcome the moments when it seems that nothing is as they planned, that the situation in private life is out of control, that they are left at the mercy of the people around them. In such and similar situations, independent women come on stage who know who they are, what they are, what they can and cannot do. They do not live in illusion, but are aware of the unpredictable everyday life and think wisely about all life situations. Every day they collect the grains of wisdom from the women from whom they have learned and from whom they are still learning.

When they realize that the relationship is going downhill, strong women do not despair. Instead of melancholy and self-blame, they reach for memories. They are reminiscent of the person and the situation when they felt loved and protected. They replace the feeling of rejection with a feeling of belonging. Instead of grieving over the past, they move forward with their heads held high.

Great women respect the knowledge of previous generations of women, who always emphasized that the wise woman wisely has the financial means. The back up fund for big women is a spare mine, in which there does not have to be much. It is important to have it, just in case.

Great women do not think negatively about the past, no matter how dark and difficult it is. They do not regret what happened, because they know that it is behind them, they are grateful for the life experience they have gained. Remember – what happens today will never happen again, take advantage of the moment and get the best out of it, even though it may seem like it gives you almost nothing.

Strong women do not allow themselves to become dependent on the man, but aim at their independence. Strong women strive for equality, they are brave, they are combative, with a keen sense of career planning and making money, with tremendous creativity and many ambitions for the future. A strong woman is capable of creating amazing things and opportunities for herself.

Beautiful, successful and independent women complete their responsibilities and achieve their goals. They do not need a man behind whom they can hide, but they are quite capable of moving around on their own and overcoming all obstacles along the way. They do not need a knight or a prince on a white horse to protect and save them, because the story of the “lady in trouble” is long out of date.

And remember a strong woman is a beautiful woman, a strong woman is a great woman.