The Color of your Urine says a lot about your Health!

Urine is a good indicator or measure of general health. You may be surprised, but this is not only because of its composition, but also because of the different color that the urine may have. Hydration, ie the sufficient amount of water in the body, is crucial for most physiological processes, from those related to physical health, digestive, sexual, etc., to mental health. This shows how important it is to drink water. Fortunately, there is a good indicator by which we can conclude in which direction we are moving when it comes to drinking water. That is exactly the urine, that is, the coloring of your urine.

From the color of your urine, you can tell for yourself if you are hydrating enough
You have probably noticed that the color of your urine changes frequently, sometimes in just a few hours. So which coloring is optimal and which coloring should make you take something? In the following, in more detail about this.

● Transparent or clear urine – A sign that you are dehydrated and need to reduce your water intake. Colorless urine can mean consuming too much water. Excessive hydration of the body is not a cause for concern, but on the other hand dehydration is. Lack of water in the body creates a chemical imbalance in the blood.

● Yellow – This is the optimum you are looking for. Continue with your water intake. And this shade of yellow means that everything is completely normal. Your body is functioning perfectly.

● Dark yellow coloration – The situation with your health is still normal, but a dark shade may indicate mild dehydration.

● Orange – No need to worry, but drink more water and eat more fresh food, you may be slightly dehydrated.

● Dark orange to brown – You are definitely dehydrated. Drink plenty of water and get electrolytes. However, this does not mean that you should start with excessive water intake on your own. It is best to consult a doctor.

● Dark brown or black – Certain medications, aloe or some foods can cause this. However, it could be phenol poisoning or some type of cancer. Be sure to consult a doctor.

● Red – This is a cause for concern. Blood in the urine is a sign of infection, kidney problems, and even a urinary tract tumor. It can also be a sign of a prostate problem in men. Be sure to consult a doctor.

● Blue color – Certain medications and foods can result in blue urine, as well as the rare disorder hypercalcaemia. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Completely transparent urine

Drinking water is especially important on a daily basis, but it is easily possible to overdo it. If you urinate completely transparent urine, you are probably drinking more water than you really need. Urination 4-10 times a day is considered normal, but all of this is probably due to excessive water intake. Why is this bad? This can be a problem, above all, because excess water dissolves more electrolytes that the body needs. Although rare, this situation can also lead to water intoxication. So, most people should not be particularly worried about increasing their water intake, but decolorized urine should be a sign to reduce the amount.

Yellow to dark yellow urine

This is the optimal coloring interval and means that the amount of water ingested should be continued. But hydration is not just about drinking water. For better hydration, especially in the following summer periods, fresh food is very important – fruits and vegetables. The water content in fresh food is huge. The percentage of free water in any fresh food is usually over 85%. Among the fresh foods rich in water are: tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, lettuce, zucchini, etc.

Orange shade

This coloring, as we mentioned, should not worry us, but it should indicate that it is time to drink a little more water and eat fresh food. When the body loses more water than we take in, it begins to rely on already available water for all processes. Thus, the body saves water. With smaller amounts of water to dissolve urine, its content becomes more concentrated and gets completely dark colors.

Dark orange to brown

When urinating this color, it is time to pay more attention, because it is a more severe form of dehydration. Common causes of severe dehydration are vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. In such conditions, the body loses a lot of water, so with frequent drinking we need to make up for lost time. In such situations of dehydration, but also in general, when it is important to mention the electrolytes, ie minerals, which are also essential. Although bottled water contains certain concentrations of electrolytes, when dehydrated, it is better to drink tap water with a higher mineral content or to drink drinks enriched with electrolytes.

Short tips for better hydration:

. Always have a bottle or glass of water with you
. Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol
. Drink more water, especially before any physical activity
. Limit your intake of foods rich in sugars and salt
◦ Add a lemon or other citrus fruit if it makes the water more appealing to you.


It should be mentioned that certain types of food, but also some diseases can contribute to this dark coloring, it does not have to be exclusively caused by dehydration. Such are:

• some types of colored foods or drinks
• aloe vera
• certain leafy herbs
• certain berries
• kidney disease
• liver disease
• some rare genetic blood disorders