Your body Signalizes you that it is Highly Acidic – See the Symptoms Here

The acidic body is caused by an increased levels of acids in it. The alkalinity of the body on the other hand, is the one which manages to neutralize the acids. The fluids are essential for the body to funcion properly, because the fluids transport the oxygen, nutrients, and make up for the proper digestion in the body.

To maintain your body healthy, it is important for the acid levels to maintain at a certain point. The alkalinity in the body is measured through pH, from 0-14, where low pH means an acidic body, high pH means an alkaline body, and the pH of 7 is found to be neutral. The optimum pH levels for some significant body fluids are – urine: 4.6-8.0 pH, blood: 7.35-7.45 pH, saliva: 7.0-7.5 pH. When these levels go down, the body becomes acidic.

Here are some symptoms that show the body is acidic:

  • When the body becomes acidic, all of the waste products are trapped inside, resulting in increase of the excess waste, leading to gaining weight. The organs which are responsible for throwing out the toxins from the body will become overworked, and as a result to it, the acid will attach itself to the fat cells, making you gain weight.
  • The calcium is the main mineral for the optimal health of the bones. When there is more acidity in the body the calcium is being stripped from the tissues and organs. As a result to this, the bones become weaker and osteoporosis happens.
  • Also, the teeth are the ones that suffer too, all because of the calcium deficiency in the body. The teeth become more susceptible to all the mouth bacteria from the food you consume. This is the reason your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold drinks.
  • An acidic body is more prone to bacteria, fungi, viruses, all of them accumulating in the digestive tract, gums, and other tissues. This makes the immune system weak and exhausted, and in the meantime doing the hormones and enzymes harm, thus causing fatigue.
  • Because the blood flow is not able to eliminate the toxins from the body through sweating, it results in allergies, rashes, eczema and acne.
  • When the body is acidic, the lungs cannot can be overloaded with mucus because the nasal passage cannot remove it from the body. The breathing process will be interrupted. This will result in respiratory problems, coughing, sinus problems, chest pain, wheezing.
  • Because there will be an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood vessels, the muscles will become stiff, and it will result in pain, weakness and soreness.
  • The deficiency of calcium usually is connected to the frequent tiredness, but insomnia can be caused by an imbalance of the pH levels too.

To get your body and your pH levels back to normal, here is what you can do:

  • Drink warm lemon water, it has the ability to stabilize the pH levels in the body.
  • To fix all the acidity complications eat your leafy green veggies, such as kale, broccoli, spinach, collards, zucchini, asparagus, green peppers, celery, chard, cucumber, arugula, lettuce and so on.
  • Products that can increase the acidity in the body are the processed foods, alcohol, foods rich in sugar soft drinks, processed meats, cafffeine and any artificial sweeteners, so make sure you avoid them at all costs.
  • To maintain the function and strength of your bones and muscles, consume magnesium and calcium on daily basis. This routine will also improve your teeth, nervous system and heart.
  • Seafood, dry fruits, grain cereals and leafy green vegetables are among the best sources of calcium.

    Finally, eliminate all the GM foods from your dietary plan. These foods are filled with chemicals and toxins, which increase the acidity of your body.