The Top Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice

We all know that beets are great for our health. They’re full of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants that can detoxify our bodies and improve our cardiovascular and overall health. However, incorporating beets into our diet is tricky. They don’t ‘play’ well with many foods and their taste leaves a lot to be …

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6 Symptoms Indicating Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones control all physiological processes in the body – from the regulation of metabolism, activation of the immune system to the menstrual cycle, sperm production and reproduction, so it is clear that any imbalance of hormones negatively affects the health and normal functioning of the body. Hormones are secreted by these glands: the pituitary, thyroid …

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Vitamin D Lowers the Risk of Getting the Flu

With the flu months approaching fast, we’re all trying to find ways to improve our immune system and prevent the infection. While not life-threatening (although it can be), the flu can shake us pretty strong, and no one wants to stay bedridden for days. To prevent the infection, many people take various supplements, and one …

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The Way You Sleep Affects Your Health

Each of us has different sleeping habits, some can only fall asleep if they are in a certain position, while others fall asleep the moment they put their head on the pillow. However, some positions have greater benefits than others. Some sleeping positions can affect various aspects of health. Blood pressure, sinus infection and many …

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How to Regenerate The Whole Immune System in Just 72 Hours?

For a person to be in top shape, healthy, strong, cheerful, energetic and maximally productive, he must take care of his spirit and body. Our body is like a temple, if we nurture it well, it will give us back well. Accordingly, good health is a sign of care that is achieved with daily care, …

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Health Benefits from Sleeping on Your Left Side

Have you ever thought about the way you sleep? What’s your preferred sleeping position? Some sleep on the stomach, others on their back, while some prefer sleeping on the left or right side. We all choose the position we find most comfortable for us. But, did you know that some sleeping positions are more favorable …

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7 Health Problems Hidden Under Nail Polish

Nails indicate a person who takes care of himself, so you should always pay attention to them if you want to look meticulous and tidy. They know how to say much more than they need a new manicure, in fact they are a package full of information about your health. Any change in the nail …

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