Reasons why Women should Start Lifting Weights

When it comes to training and losing weight, women usually chose the treadmill, yoga or pillates over weight lifting.

Why Women Do Not Lift Weights

Common opinion around women is that they will grow too much muscle by weight lifting, instead of losing fat, while cardio exercise will guarantee getting rid of all the fat and cellulite. Moreover, many of them do not know how to use the equipment in the gym or what are the right exercises for the muscles they want to target and they are often shy to ask.

The fear of getting into something unknown is pretty scary for everyone and asking for help presents a big obstruction that prevents women to use other equipment in the gym. And when they are not instructed, they are usually not aware of what to do. That is why aerobics and yoga are more convenient options for them.

Women on the Same Level as Men

However, more and more women are becoming aware that weight lifting can be extremely good for both losing weight and shaping your body. For that reason, the number of women in the gym lifting weights slowly starts to grow. That is maybe because as women grow more strong and independent in their lives they also want to be free, and independent with their bodies.

Women who decide to lift weights might often start light, just with the purpose to shape up their bodies, but soon that grows into a goal of getting stronger rather than losing weight. Moreover, they start to challenge males and even succeed in meeting some established standards.

Women Weightlifters Competitions

You can see more and more women competing at Olympic Games in categories of heavy weight lifting and getting same and sometimes even better results than men. Also, there are categories now for women in the world of fitness and the interest in them is growing drastically.

There are many fitness competitions in weight lifting and strong and big women are taking part of them. Even social media is becoming more bumped up with women lifting dumbbells or bench lift and forming amazing bikini bodies.

Weight Lifting Grows Into a Lifestyle

Many of the women who decide to lift weights are interested in the right way to do the exercises and how much should they lift. They start slow, with light weights and with the purpose only to shape up their bodies for the summer, lift up their butt and get a firm and flat tummy.

However, as they go on and grow stronger, they start lifting heavier weights and the further they go the more they want to build strong and big bodies instead of just beautiful and skinny. Although society makes women think it is wrong and ugly for women to grow muscles, when they start lifting they do not care about that anymore. Soon, fitness and lifting grows from habit to a lifestyle and they want to achieve same goals as men do.

When women start working out and getting into the habit of doing it, they even exchange ideas between them. The gym becomes a social place to hang out instead of a bar or a restaurant. However, although women are slowly starting to understand that lifting weights builds not just their body, but their confidence and their health as well, there are still not many women who decide to give it a try.