Good Pillow for a Good Sleep! How to improve your sleep?

We all know the consequences of disturbed sleep: a feeling of clumsiness, lethargy and lack of energy throughout the day, but also impaired concentration. Impaired sleep habits are associated with many other problems, such as decreased immune response, increased risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, and so on. In the battle to get a good night’s sleep, naturally, many would try anything.

“Sleep hygiene”

But few people know that in fact we can help ourselves a lot and very simply – making certain changes in habits or as experts call it, maintaining “sleep hygiene”. Modern times force people to put sleep in the background and not pay attention to it despite the numerous daily responsibilities. Most people are not aware that sleep is an important part of the overall biorhythm, so a good night’s sleep, by making us more energetic and focused, will also increase our productivity during the day – the main excuse for avoiding the necessary 7- 8 hours of sleep at night (unproductive time spent, right).

How to improve sleep hygiene?

One of the key strategies used by experts to help patients suffering from chronic insomnia is the use of so-called. stimulus control. This approach involves getting out of bed if you can not fall asleep for more than 15 minutes and sitting without watching TV or surfing the Internet, simply bored until you feel the need for sleep. Similarly, limiting the use of blue light emitting electronic devices before going to sleep can be of great help.

One study found that people who spent more time on smartphones, especially near the bed, were more likely to sleep shorter periods of the night, but also had poor sleep quality and difficulty falling asleep.

Expert advice is as follows: turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed.

A good pillow gives a good and peaceful sleep!

Sleep is a pleasure – but only if you have quality sleep. If you roll over most of the night, wake up because you are very hot or very cold, or feel pain in your body, then night is probably not your favorite part of the day. The right anatomical pillow will ensure that your body is in the correct position, so your neck, shoulders and back will be able to rest well and spend the night in a position that will not cause you pain. You may think that you can get a good night’s sleep on your old pillow, but you will feel the consequences very quickly. Why take the risk? Use a comfortable pillow to have a comfortable sleep!

Does sleeping pills help?

Sleeping pills can help, but you should keep in mind that they are not the solution to the root of the problem, but short-term solutions. In addition, many of them can cause a kind of addiction, then poor concentration, and less often unusual sleeping habits, ie disturbed biorhythm. Side effects are especially pronounced in the elderly who have lower energy levels and impaired cognitive abilities. There is no solid evidence that magnesium supplements are good for this purpose, but some experience suggests that they may help with insomnia. In contrast, melatonin has been shown to aid in the sleep process.


Short tips on how you can help yourself sleep better

During the day:

• Minimize caffeine intake and do not drink coffee in the afternoon.
• If you are a smoker, work on quitting. Nicotine has been shown to be a sleep disruptor.
• Expose yourself to light during the day.
• If you feel tired, short naps of 20-30 minutes in the first half of the day can be helpful.
• Be physically active! But exercise up to 4 hours before bedtime.



• Do not use alcohol. Alcohol can also help you fall asleep faster, but it is problematic when it comes to the length of sleep, ie you will wake up faster.
• Avoid meals, especially large ones, at night.
• Find ways to relax (it could also be a relaxing ritual, such as drinking tea)
• Do not lie in bed for more than 15 minutes if you cannot fall asleep.
• Try to go to bed at the same time every night, also on weekends.