Eight Jog-Free Exercises That Can Cut Through Belly Fat

Ah, the dreaded belly fat. We all have it in some shape or size. It doesn’t just look ugly and deform our bodies. Studies have shown that excess belly fat can lead to serious ailments and put our health in danger. Unfortunately, a major part of the popular suffers from it.

Most of us nowadays lives in big cities and lead busy lives with not a minute for physical activity. Cutting through that belly fat requires it. You’ll need to put yourself on a diet and work hard in a gym in order to blast it. But who has the time for that? We can merely squeeze half an hour in our schedule for a doctor’s appointment.

However, if you’re concerned for your belly fat as you should be, we have a collection of fat-busting exercises with no running involved that can help.


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A straightforward exercise in 4 steps, burpees are a great way to blast that belly fat. Get into a squatting position first and lay your palms on the ground. Now kick your feet back to go into a plank, then return to the squat with a jump and stand back up. Repeat as fast as you can for at least 5 times in 3 sets.



Now you’re probably wondering – what do pushups have to do with belly fat? Surprisingly, this popular and easy exercise squeezes your core and helps build the abs. They are a great way to cut through excess belly fat and maintain fitness too. You most likely know how to perform push-ups. If you don’t take a look at the picture or look for tutorials online.


Credits to: © The U.S. Army / flickr

Crunches are an inseparable part of any belly fat-busting routine. Start by lying face-up on the floor and bend your knees. Put your hands behind your head and curl up forward to meet the knees. Lift only the shoulders, neck, and head off the ground if possible. Squeeze your abs and hold for a few seconds, then go back down and repeat.

Mountain Climbers

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Mountain climbers are a great way to blast belly fat and keep your overall fitness at a high level. As the name suggests, the exercises mimics climbing on a mountain. Go down into a plank, then lift one foot up and bring it to your chest. Bring it back and do the same with the other. Repeat the process as fast as you can for as long as you can do it.

Sumo Squat

Credits to: brightside.me

Sumo squats are a great way to burn belly fat and strengthen your core. Start by standing up with your feet wider than your shoulders. Go down in a 90-degree squat and put your arms up to under the chin. Go half-way up before going down again and repeat the process for as many times as you can.


Credits to: brightside.me

The plank is a great way to squeeze your core, not just burn belly fat. Start with 15-30 seconds if you’re a beginner and ensure that your back is straight. Intermediate plankers can go for 30-60 seconds, while pros should aim for 60+.

Bicycle Crunches

Credits to: © Shutterstock.com

This variant of regular crunches is an even more effective fat burner. Lie on the ground with your hands on the side, then bend your knees and lift your legs at a 90-degree angle. The thighs must be perpendicular to the ground. Now start touching the elbows of one armed to the opposite knee alternatively. Continue for at least a minute or until you’re exhausted.

Rope Jumping

Credits to: © pexels

Another great cardio exercise that can blast through belly fat, rope jumping is fun and will also keep you in great overall shape. Aim for 2-10 minutes depending on your fitness level every day.