Varicose Veins

Varicose veins may not cause pain but they can be very unpleasant. Especially among the women’s in the summer period that can be very unbeloved situation. Although varicose veins often caused by genetic factors, today’s modern lifestyle imposing prolonged standing or sitting breaks down healthy veins, resulting in calling etc. dilated or varicose veins. Often …

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5 Exercises for Firm and Shaped Arms

Every woman wants to have a perfectly toned body, and most often, in addition to constant exercise, women have a problem with sagging skin in the upper arm area. Every woman wants to have beautiful taut muscles on her arms that she can be proud of and wear sleeveless clothes. Unlike men who want to …

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Basic Etiquette Rules that should Become your Way of Life

Manners are a reflection of human culture. Bon ton rules are a set of social rules for good behavior. It is important for every person to know and apply the rules of good behavior, because the way of acting represents his being and culture. Sometimes it seems that people forget about the rules of good …

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Why you should not Sit Cross Legged?

There is almost no woman who crosses her legs while sitting. Men, on the other hand, know how to sit cross legged. Anyway, do you know why you should not sit cross legged? See below for the reasons. Increases blood pressure A consequent cause of cross legged sitting is high blood pressure. According to some …

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6 Underrated Fat-Burning Exercises

There are several exercises that usually get ignored by most of the people. However, these exercises are more effective in burning fat than doing squats, crunches, and even than running. The following exercises will help you to tone your muscles and to lose weight fast, so you may consider including them in your workout routine. …

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40 Things Every Woman should have and know Before she Turns 40

Have you ever wondered what experiences you need to get to a certain age? Are you wondering if you have achieved enough by the age of 40? Have you experienced enough experiences up to that age? We have compiled a list of things you need to know and experiences that every woman should experience by …

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Top 5 Exercises for Women over 40s

Losing weight is not a problem for some, but it is a real problem for some. But losing weight after 40 years can be a real struggle. Why is that? This is due to the fact that in that period of life women follow unique hormonal changes, adjustments to a new lifestyle and so on. …

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Only 1% of People Can Solve This Puzzling. Can You?

Brain teasers, puzzles, riddles, crossword are interesting and productive ways to improve our brain. We shake the brain, train it and maintain its health. At the same time they are an interesting way to fill our time with productive tasks from which we have more benefits. With them we increase our logical and critical thinking, …

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